all postcodes in PO35 / BEMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO35 5AD 3 0 50.685971 -1.081281
PO35 5NA 7 1 50.690598 -1.091001
PO35 5NB 16 0 50.69175 -1.091064
PO35 5NE 23 0 50.692165 -1.089031
PO35 5NF 14 0 50.694129 -1.088328
PO35 5NG 10 0 50.694255 -1.089472
PO35 5NH 15 0 50.692736 -1.085243
PO35 5NN 14 2 50.693407 -1.091714
PO35 5NP 17 0 50.693486 -1.092319
PO35 5NQ 8 0 50.694694 -1.090398
PO35 5NR 19 9 50.692399 -1.093614
PO35 5NS 25 3 50.690924 -1.099775
PO35 5NT 20 0 50.69356 -1.090635
PO35 5NU 7 0 50.693503 -1.091358
PO35 5NW 6 0 50.693298 -1.091561
PO35 5NX 12 0 50.692917 -1.091157
PO35 5NY 14 0 50.692032 -1.090379
PO35 5NZ 27 0 50.694461 -1.091592
PO35 5PB 1 0 50.692608 -1.09395
PO35 5PD 3 0 50.683237 -1.090379